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It was a sunny day today. I had a bath and pulled on my Clockwork Orange T-shirt with black skinny jeans. I listened to my Elastic Boombox playlist on youtube. It's got some of my favourite songs on it. Then i watched some Seinfeld. It was the episode where George gets grapefruit in his eye and starts winking at everyone.

Lunch was a vegetable soup made from foodbank tins. I do hate having to go to the foodbank but with this new Universal Credit switchover, I'm having to wait for my money. So needs must. I have dreams about smoked salmon sometimes. Lunch was not exactly tasty, but hey, i felt satiated. Spoke to my sister on the phone and she informed me that it's best if i have a pseudonym for this website, to protect my privacy, so i came up with one: Lavish Lola.

P. came round at about 2pm and we went out to buy a bottle of cider. We drank it on the lawn in my back garden with the sun shining. I joked that perhaps he should pimp me out. He said he would take that rather personally. We listened to the Orb, KLM, Ministry and Megadeth. I do like my Megadeth, i must admit.

After he left i got to thinking about how there's not much of a nightlife in Gloucester. All the clubs are sort of cheap and tacky, except Cafe Rene which is the best. They have live music at the Cafe Rene on Wednesdays and Fridays. I have dreams about clubbing sometimes. I miss having more money. I wish i could have a job but the support workers here don't think i'm ready for it. I sometimes worry about the hole in my CV that my psychotic episodes have cost me. I wonder if anyone will hire me after a year and a half of living in supported accomodation and not working.

I've already started thinking about which features to write about next week. I know that i'm definitely going to feature Ulysses by James Joyce with the 16th of June, Bloomsday, being next week. I haven't decided on the other features yet.

I received a text message from D. a few hours ago asking me how i am. D. is a hotep, but he's a nice enough guy. His facebook posts feature the theme of Christianity being a slave religion. As a Christian i find that slightly awkward. Perhaps i should be wary of people like D. because they could be fanatics. But he's pretty harmless really. I laugh at the fact that he thinks Judaism is a non-existent religion. Some people aren't very clever it seems.

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